Vehicle pickup

Where can I find directions to my pick-up branch?

You can get directions to your pick-up branch in your reservation confirmation email or by searching for the branch here .

What identification (ID) or other documents do I need for vehicle pick-up?

  • All drivers need a valid driver's license. If your driver's license uses a non-Roman alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, etc.), it must be accompanied by an international driving permit. Any driver's license originating from countries not part of the international driving permit treaty must also be accompanied by an official translation.
  • Renters from outside the United States must also provide a valid government-issued form of ID like a passport.
  • For local renters using a debit card, one utility bill that is current, not past due, and from that last 30 days, will be required.

Should I inspect a vehicle for damage before leaving?

All SIXT vehicles are inspected by our trained agents upon return. Before leaving the facility, you can inspect the vehicle for damage and notify one of our agents if you see something that is not noted on your rental agreement.